LAMB Special Event Archives
From time to time LAMB produces a telecast that's different than our regular programming. These telecasts will be archived here for you to watch at your convenience.

Rabbi Darryl Weinberg's incredible history lesson that explains everything in very simple terms anyone can understand.

2 interviews with LAMB Network owner, Mark David Smith about how LAMB Network got started and progressed to the righteous entity that it has become today. Also, Mark talks about a few of the projects he's worked on and products he's created over the years.
From 2017, a fun spoof of 'Star Wars' with a huge Messianic twist!
Starring - Mark David Smith as 'Mark Hans SoloCup' - Sandi Craig as 'Princess Sandi Beaches'
- Dave Mathews as 'Dave SkyWalker' - John Craig as 'The Narrator'
- Jonathan Dade as 'Chewy Huey Louie' & 'Dade Vade-er Dude'
- Nitza Moshe as 'Es Sential Oil Lee One Kenoli'
- Dr. Jamie Louis as 'Supreme Chancellor Quinton Torahtino'
Want to read along with the skit? - Star Wars Saga Script
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The ‘Alive In Messiah’ Virtual Event was telecast from November 12th to November 19th, 2023.
Each speaker discussed their own personal perspective on living their life 'Alive in Messiah'!
This is a particularly important topic to each of us and should not be taken lightly as we project into the coming year.

Andrew Gabriel Roth / Star of Bethlehem
Part 1 / Mishkan Katan with Gena Hood
Part 2 / Living Waters with Stephanie Pavlantos & Lauren Crews
Part 3 / Mishkan Katan with Gena Hood
The full three part investigation into the historical identity of the Star of Bethlehem and how it connects Yeshua to all the Great Feasts through math, Scripture and astronomy. Explore the secrets of the original priestly calendar, who the Magi were, and how they interpreted what they saw. Father Yah wrote His redemptive message in the heavens so all nations would know His Son Yeshua the Messiah was coming. More than that, He also lit up the heavens with other rare and spectacular events that tracked the Holy Family’s sojourn into Egypt and back to Galilee.

What if... there were newscasters during Yeshua's time on earth?
What if... they were able to report, through television, the things Yeshua and His talmidim did
while traveling through Israel during their ministry while here on Earth.
Sandi and Mark take us back to those days and become newscasters in these skits.

Brad passed away after a valiant struggle with the “pest” (aka. Astrocytoma brain neoplasm). His faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob never left him and he stood firm on the Word of Yahweh, our Creator who is the Author and Finisher of Life. The ministry Brad labored most in was to do his small part in carrying out the Great Commission.
20 of Brads closest friends showed up to the telecast in 2020. You will see all these people pay tribute to one of the best Messianic teachers and friend of the Torah.

Join best-selling author Hope Egan on her personal journey through what the Bible says about eating meat.
With the help of author and Bible teacher D. Thomas Lancaster, Hope helps you see how science and Scripture brilliantly intertwine.
Promoting neither legalism nor vegetarianism, Holy Cow! gently challenges followers of Jesus to take a fresh look at how they live out their faith and what Christian obedience looks like.

Dr. Craig Evans Houston Christian University
Dr. Doug Petrovich Brookes Bible College
Dr. Scott Stripling The Bible Seminary
Abigail (Leavitt) Van Huss Associates for Biblical Research
Ted Wright Epic Archaeology
And other appearances by experts in the field.