Besorah Institute Events

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Dr. Barri Cae Seif / November 12th
She is an instructor, author, and theologian. Her experience has led her through opportunities in corporate sales, Sunday school education, travel, Bible college instruction, authoring, conference speaking, and twice-annual trips to Israel as the president of a humanitarian organization, Sar Shalom Israel.
Barri holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Trinity Theological Seminary. She earned an MBA from Amberton University with a concentration in General Management. In addition, she earned a BA in Psychology at Stephens College.
Her response to the love of Yeshua/Jesus is what guides her. She currently resides in, Texas, with her husband, Dr. Jeffrey L. Seif, a television host on “Our Jewish Roots,” presented by Zola Levitt Ministries. Sharing her perspective on what it is to be alive in Messiah, her presentation is titled, "The Vision Catcher."
You can send financial support for Dr. Seif’s ministry by going to and go to the bottom of the “Who We Are” page. You’ll find the donation option posted there.
Pastors John & Sandi Craig / November 13th
John and Sandi Craig are the pastors of the Life of Worship Ministries & Congregation in Amarillo Texas. These services are telecast live through their ‘Life of Worship’ Youtube channel every Sabbath. They’ve also been hosting an annual, full 8 day Feast of Tabernacles camp gathering for 6 years in the panhandle of Texas.
Starting as prayer warriors on The LAMB Network eleven years ago, John and Sandi have hosted a combined total of nine different broadcasts. Six of which are still airing in the present line-up of shows.
Though Mark David Smith and John Craig have hosted shows together, shared shows and been guests on each other’s shows many times, Mark David Smith and Sandi Craig have hosted over two thousand shows together on The LAMB Network.
John Craig has a unique perspective of world events and reflective ideology centered around the directions our society is headed.
Sandi Craig uses her insightful comprehension with respect to people and how they treat each other in society, both religious and secular, to educate us on the grand scale that is God’s Kingdom.
Their 30 plus years educating the elect in regard to God’s ways have earned them a place at this event to help us all grasp what it means to them to be ‘Alive in Messiah’.
Association with The LAMB Network:
Pastors John and Sandi Craig can be seen every Monday morning when they share their zeal of prayer and compassion for those in need as they host the ‘Monday War Room Prayer’ show.
The Monday War room prayers are followed by John Craig hosting The LAMB Network original broadcast, ‘Let Us Reason Together / the Monday Edition’.
John has been hosting this show for a solid six years.
Segments of this show give way to fun, the Torah Portion and a reverent, insightful view of current events.
You can then catch both John and Sandi together as they share life lessons in Torah on the telecast ‘Walking in Spirit and Truth’ every Tuesday evening on LAMBNetwork.TV.
As we mentioned before, Sandi Craig and LAMB Network owner Mark David Smith have hosted quite a few shows together.
Well that camaraderie is still going strong on the show ‘The Planet Chapter’.
Seen every Thursday morning here on the LAMB Network.
Also on Thursday’s you can find both John and Sandi individually teaching from archived videos originating out of their Sabbath ‘Life of Worship’ congregation services.
All shows right here on The LAMB Network. Check the LAMBNetwork.TV schedule for start times in your area.
You can send financial support for Pastors John and Sandi Craig to
Rabbi David and Moreh Juanita Weiss / November 14th
David and Juanita are the Founders and CEOs of Weiss Ministries, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit ministry. Weiss Ministries’ serves as a bridge between diverse cultures through teaching/preaching, publications, performing arts, and missions.
David received a BA in English and in Psychology from Bucknell University and an M.Ed. from University of Virginia.
For thirty-six years, he has taught English and psychology in Virginia Beach City Public Schools.
Raised as an orthodox Jew, David has a powerful message about coming to know his Messiah. For over twenty years, David served under the leadership of Rabbi Dr. Joseph Rosenfarb at Beth Messiah Synagogue of Tidewater.
During that time he has served as an ordained elder, a member of the Board of Trustees, a shammash (deacon), a Shabbat School Teacher, a Men’s Group leader, and as a keynote speaker.
Juanita Weiss received a BA in English Education from Norfolk State University, an MA in journalism from Regent University and an Associate in Biblical Studies from Bible Teachers Institute. She is a retired English, journalism, and visual language teacher, having completed 30 years of exemplary service in the Virginia Beach City Public Schools. For ten years she provided servant leadership as Pastoral Liaison and Director of Ministries to fifteen ministries at Tidewater Bibleway Temple.
She is a Bible teacher, conference speaker, and workshop leader, author and playwright, and an ordained minister with Evangelical Christian Alliance. Minister Weiss completed a five-year program at Yeshivat Shuvu, the world’s largest online Messianic Yeshiva, which resulted in ordination as Morah Torah (Teacher of the Torah).
David and Juanita are blessed with one son, Jonathan Tyler.
Since 2014, they founded and lead Malchut Chayim Messianic Congregation, a satellite campus under Kingdom Impact Ministries in Chesapeake, VA which is in its 10th year of ministry.
Association with The LAMB Network:
David and Juanita can be seen every Thursday on their telecast, ‘Ashrey! Time To Bless’
Rabbi David Weiss hosts the: Let Us Reason Together (Friday Edition / on Friday) along with co-hosts Mark David Smith and Larry Cigary.
Both LIVE shows right here on The LAMB Network.
You can send financial support for Rabbi David and Moreh Juanita Weiss to
James and AviGayle O’Hare / November 15th
James and AviGayle O’Hare have been serving Yeshuah our Redeemer and Messiah since 1980.
They have served as teachers, minstrels, and troubadours of The Word of Elohim while Praising and Worshipping The Most High in Congregations and conferences in the United States, Israel, Poland, Romania, Malaysia, and the Philippines.
James and AviGayle have also written, directed, and performed many dramas that introduce The Feasts of Yahweh to Christian Churches.
After traveling to Israel many times, they were able to facilitate a Jewish family’s journey from Israel to the United States so that they could meet other like-minded people.
The ten plus years they’ve served as producers on The Lamb Network has afforded them the ability to reach countless numbers of people with teachings of the Torah and gospel through interviews, discussions and musical performances. They’ve hosted as many as six individual telecasts a week. All of which are still broadcasting during the present LAMB Network line-up of shows.
James and AviGayle have written, produced, recorded and developed three music CDs under the name of Israel My Delight. The names of the CD’s are Songs for the Journey, Israel My Delight! and Revive Us Again. Their music is heard throughout the LAMB Network and performed weekly on the ‘Torah Study Among Friends’ telecast.
Last and certainly a large share of their vast treasures stored in heaven is AviGayle O’Hare’s book, ‘Born For Restoration’. This book is AviGayle’s journey about finding her biological father and ultimately finding her Father in Heaven.
Association with The LAMB Network:
AviGayle O’Hare can be seen Sunday & Wednesday mornings on LAMB’s ‘War Room Prayers’
And on the ‘Hidden Voice of Hadassah’ telecast every Wednesday evening.
James O’Hare, along with his wife AviGayle hosts the:
Let Us Reason Together (the Sunday Edition / on Sunday) along with the ‘Israel My Delight’ telecast on Wednesday evenings.
Then to finish out the week with ‘Torah Study Among Friends’ telecast on Sabbath afternoons.
All LIVE shows right here on The LAMB Network.
You can send financial support for James and AviGayle O’Hare’s ministry, Israel My Delight’ to
Gena Hood / November 16th
Gena Hood is first and foremost a follower of Yeshua HaMashiach and a Bible student for many decades.
Her relationship with God began at age nine, when she entered into a relationship with Yeshua. Later, she attended and graduated from Bible college.
Though Gena had a distinguished career as a teacher and school administrator, she is now in semi-retirement.
She is a wife and mother of two young adult sons.
In 2014, after teaching and serving in congregations, mostly Baptist, she began to write an expository, devotional blog.
In 2018, her studies moved her into the Jewish roots of the Christian faith.
In 2020, she began studying Hebrew, which has been both a challenge and a source of tremendous joy.
Today, she teaches, produces and hosts the ‘Mishkan Katan’ broadcast on the LAMB Network.
Gena studies and writes for her own spiritual growth and shares what she learns for the edification of her chaverim, but most importantly, for the glory of God.
She spends her time supporting her local group of believers and para-church ministries, as well as tending to her own, Resplendent Daughter Ministries.
Association with The LAMB Network:
Gena Hood can be seen every Wednesday morning on her telecast, ‘Mishkan Katan’.
LIVE right here on The LAMB Network.
You can send financial support for Gena Hood to
Kurt & Wendy Larson / November 17th
Kurt Larson was the last of four siblings raised by Christian parents. During his years as a Lutheran, he had a fascination for the land, beliefs and history of Yisra'el.
Wendy Larson’s father was a minister consisting of church planting and growing. She graduated from Trevecca Nazarene College with an Early Childhood and Elementary Degree. After graduation, she encompassed teaching inner city 6th grade, private school, and homeschooling her own children.
The Ruach used a customer in Kurts’ automotive repair franchise to plant and cultivate Torah-truth seeds over a period of time and he became a dutiful learner at a small Torah-observant Messianic fellowship and completed a life-changing pilgrimage to Yisra'el.
Due to living a nomadic lifestyle, Wendy stayed home and raised 2 sons and a daughter. One son is a father of 2 children and the second son is single. Her daughter is married to a wonderful young man of God and they have 3 children.
Kurt elevated his 10 years of part-time community service as a volunteer firefighter and EMT to full-time after completing the arduous Fire Academy.
Kurt Larson encountered his wife Wendy through her prayer ministry on The LAMB Network where they became acquainted and eventually married after a courtship and counseling period.
Kurt and Wendy boldly testify that being spiritually and physically set-apart, as well as equally yoked is among Yahuah's most profound blessings!
Wendy believes that the Lord has truly blessed her with a wonderful, Godly man.
Association with The LAMB Network:
Wendy can be seen every Tuesday on the LAMB Network original telecast Tuesday War Room Prayers where she carries out her commitment to prayer warrior duty.
You can send financial support for Kurt and Wendy Larson to
Rabbi Darryl Weinberg / November 18th
Darryl Weinberg is the founder and director of A Light To The Nations Messianic Ministries, located in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
Having been in messianic ministry for over 20 years, his passion is leading people to faith and bringing believers back to a true understanding of worshipping God through obedience to His commandments.
Darryl is the author of The Red Mark On God’s Forehead – Explaining The Way of God More Accurately to His People, a field manual for the remnant in the last days.
Darryl is currently getting ready to start his second book, Identity Crisis to help the Body of Messiah understand the Commonwealth of Israel.
His online broadcast, Ruach Ha Emet (Spirit Of Truth) on the Lamb Network reaches people all over the world.
Darryl and his wife Milena work effortlessly at creating good, stable, Godly environments in which children can learn. Their School Pods are very successful and inspiring to the local community. Their Tuesday telecast called ‘Smarten Up! Biblical Education Principles on The LAMB Network is a unique breath of fresh air to families around the world.
He also ministers to dozens of churches in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda to help bring the truth of Torah to the African continent.
Association with The LAMB Network:
Rabbi Darryl Weinberg can be seen every Sabbath as he brings gleanings from the week’s Torah Portion and insightful teachings that range from the depths of Jezebel to an exhaustive education with respect to the book of Revelation.
Every Tuesday morning on The LAMB Network, Rabbi Darryl’s teachings are archived into a telecast that helps the assembly know God.
Also later in the day on Tuesday’s, Darryl, with his wife Milena telecast a show called ‘Smarten Up! Biblical Education Principles’.
A show about creating good, stable, Godly environments in which children can learn.
Darryl and Milena also share a passion for prayer as they host the Friday morning War room Prayers. And willingly fill in for other prayer warriors when life gets in the way.
You can send financial support for Rabbi Daryl and Milena’s Ministry, A Light to the Nations Ministries to
Sam Nadler / November 19th
After coming to faith in Yeshua on January 10, 1972, God gave Sam Nadler a great burden to share Messiah with other Jewish people. Over the years, Sam, and his wife Miriam, served with Jews for Jesus, both traveling the country with the evangelistic music group called the “Liberated Wailing Wall,” and establishing the New York City branch of that ministry. He also served with Chosen People Ministry as president.
The more he studied the Word of God, the more Sam developed a greater burden to not only evangelize, but to disciple Jewish believers in light of their Jewish identity. Sam says that it is through discipleship that we proclaim God’s faithfulness to the Jewish people and to all people in Yeshua.
In 1996, Sam and Miriam established Word of Messiah Ministries to globally establish, develop and reproduce Messianic congregations those that are develop, and to train and support Messianic leaders and their wives in their vital work around the world. They also equip the greater Body of Messiah in their call to Jewish ministry.
Through these seasons of ministry, Sam has traveled throughout Israel, Germany, South America, Canada, and the United States planting, assisting and encouraging Messianic congregations and was privileged to witness revival among Jewish people in the former Soviet Union.
Sam has both planted numerous congregations over the years, and he has served as mentor to hundreds of Messianic congregation leaders who want biblical direction on “how to begin or begin again” as they serve their communities.
He also conducts seminars both online and in person. His “Messianic Marriage Matters” conference, as well as the “Developing Healthy Messianic Congregations” conferences are grounded in scripture and are very helpful and a blessing to all who attend.
Sam is also a prolific author. We’ve interviewed him about his last two books—Messiah in the End Times, and Messiah’s Seven Congregations and we’re looking forward to his next book, The Messianic Ten Commandments, which is about to be published! God has certainly gifted Sam in communicating the biblical text. We appreciate that Sam always encourages us with the “how” of implementation of God’s Word.
You can send financial support for Sam Nadler / Word of Messiah Ministries to Word of
An 8 Day On-Line Virtual Event
Click banner above to watch the video promo created for this event
Presented by
The ‘Alive In Messiah’ Virtual Event
telecast from November 12th to November 19th, 2023
Each speaker discussed their own
personal perspective on living their life
'Alive in Messiah'!
This is a particularly important topic to
each of us and should not be taken
lightly as we project into the coming year.
The Hosts for 'Alive in Messiah' Virtual Event

Debbie Burd,
Besorah Institute
Host: Sunday, November 12th
Sunday, November 19th
Craig and Lucille Van Alstine,
Besorah Institute
Host: Monday, November 13th
Dr. Phil Gigliotti,
One in Messiah
Host: Tuesday, November 14th
Wednesday, November 15th
Stephanie Pavlantos,
Besorah Institute
Host: Thursday, November 16th
Mark David Smith,
Talmidim Publishing
Host: Friday, November 17th
Sabbath, November 18th
Rabbi Darryl Weinberg,
A Light for The Nations
Host: Sunday, November 12th
Sunday, November 19th
Click banner above to watch the video promo created for this event
Besorah Institute for Judaic-Christian Studies & Biblical Research
Answering the call to create an educational research ministry, a small group of believers in Yeshua (Jesus) established Besorah Institute in 2017. Besorah Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
- The Hebrew word “Besorah” means “the good news!”
- Besorah offers two certificate programs at this time in lay ministry and Biblical research. All classes are presented from a Judaic-Christian perspective. The Institute also offers seminars, webinars, and other educational events and opportunities.
- The vision and mission are one and the same. “. . . To help increase understanding among the members of the Body of Christ (The Church) of their Jewish roots, to train individuals for lay ministry to share the Gospel message with non-believers from a Judaic-Christian perspective, and to add to the literature on Biblical research.”
- Donations to the Institute help make it possible to offer some online events for free. To help support these and other events, go to “Donating to the Institute” on the home page of our website.
To contact the Institute, e-mail us at
or write to us at:
PO Box 278
Twinsburg, Ohio 44087